Recruit Session
  • Prof. Sang-ug Kang | Sangmyung University (Seoul, Korea)
    Cell Phone: 82-10-9852-8373 | Email:
    Address: Seoul, Korea
Prof. Name Sang-ug Kang
Lab. Name Multimedia Security Lab
Research Areas Camera Source Identification, Steganography, Data Hiding,    Secure Display, Copyright Protection
Requirement Skill Python, C Language, Tnesorflow
Linguistic Fluency English , Korean
Open Position (Degree) Doctoral Degree


  • Prof. Seong Oun Hwang | Gachon University (Gyeonggi-do, Korea)



Requirement : Post-doctoral fellows are required to have been awarded a doctoral degree within the past five years as of May 31, 2020. We also seek PhD candidates who have  talents in computer science or mathematics. Applicants are required to bring their resumes (including academic transcripts and publications) with them to interview.

Prof. Name Seong Oun Hwang
Lab. Name Information Security and Machine Learning
Research Areas Information Security, Machine Learning
Requirement Skill Fully Research and Programming
Linguistic Fluency English
Open Position (Degree) Research scientists and Post-doctoral, PhD Candidates


  • Prof. Hyunsik Ahn | Tongmyong University (Busan, Korea)
    Phone: 82-51-629-1563 (Cell) 82-10-2518-4777
    Email:, | Homepage :
    Address: 428 Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, 48520, Republic of Kore
Prof. Name Hyunsik Ahn
Lab. Name Cognitive Robotics Lab
Research Areas Deep Learning(CNN, GAN, Pix2Pix), Robot Vision, Robot VR, Manufacturing Robot, Intelligent Robot
Requirement Skill C++, Python, CUDA, Github, Web Crawling
Linguistic Fluency English Score certification is necessary (IELTS 6.0, TOEFL iBT 85, TOEFL PBT 563, TEPS 600)

Korean language score is not needed

Open Position (Degree) Only Doctoral degree


  • Prof. Woontack Woo | KAIST (Daejeon, Korea)
    KAIST is Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
    Cell Phone: +82-10-7286-5045 | Email:
    Address: Yuseong-gu, KAIST GSCT, Daejeon 34141, Korea
Prof. Name Woontack Woo
Lab. Name AR Research Center / Ubiquitous VR Lab
Research Areas Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 3D Interaction
Requirement Skill C#, C/C++, Python, Mobile Programming
Linguistic Fluency Fluent English
Open Position (Degree) Master Student